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Verschenen bij uitgeverij GeaNama: REUS TEUS, EEN VERRASSEND DEBUUT VAN JOOST MEIJER, VERTELLER EN SCHRIJVER VOOR KINDEREN TOT OVER DE TACHTIG! SCHITTEREND ONDERSTEUND MET TEKENINGEN VAN WIM REIMERT. Het boekje (45 blz, harde kaft, 21×21 cm) is voor € 25 (incl. verzendkosten in NL) bij mij te koop. Zie afbeelding hieronder.
Een deel van mijn schilderijen is ook te vinden (en te koop!) op de website van Art Leader.
In the bend of the river Zambezi in southern Africa, strange spectacles of death take place after the boys’ circumcision ceremony: the Makishi. The initiates put on ancestral masks to become actors in an ideal society which will guide the living to knowledge.
(from “Makishi, danses de mort pour les vivants” by Françoise Gründ and Marie-Noëll Robert, Éditions Noesis, Paris, 2000)
The “Makishi” are a series of six paintings made exclusively for Green Safaris which were on display at Ila Safari Lodge in the Kafue National Park, Zambia. In June 2023, however, the whole central building of the lodge burnt down, including those six paintings. But five more of these paintings are still available from the beautiful new 37d Gallery in Lusaka. In total fifteen Makishi paintings were made. See “Galerie”.
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Released by GeaNama publishers: REUS TEUS, a surprising debut of Joost Meijer, storyteller and writer for children up to and over eighty! Beautifully illustrated by Wim Reimert. The booklet (in Dutch, 45 pgs, hard cover, 21×21 cm) can be obtained from me at € 20 (plus postage costs). See picture below.
Some of my paintings can also be found (and bought!) at the website of Art Leader.

Nudedune (oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm)